We are excited to be part of a collaboration with the non-profit Contemporary Policy Institute with the Anaheim Union School District (AUSD) and the North Orange County ROP (Regional Occupational Program) in the development of a unique technology-centric learning center with state-of-the-art digital infrastructure to be located in Anaheim.
Together, our organizations are developing a plan to transform one campus facility within AUSD into the Digital Educational and Career Center, designed to leverage next generation broadband and wireless networks, cloud computing and storage, high-bandwidth wireless networks and more.
The Center as envisioned by our collaborative team will provide the AUSD and ROP community for careers that require digital knowledge, familiarity with technology, and awareness of the communications and computing elements that are foundational to modern society.

In collaboration with:

State-of-the-Art Technology Campus
With next generation digital Infrastructure to meet Bandwidth Intensive Modules required for Gaming, Immersive learning, VR, Metaverse, Automation and more.
Learning Lab
To attract investment and support from private sector technology companies for product development, talent development & community development.
A Community Center
To support Orange County small business with a digital center for learning, innovation, entrepreneurialism, and collaboration.
Corporate Training Facility.
Operated in conjunction with ROP to meet the needs of the broadband industry and all industries impacted by broadband and next generation wireless networks.
Job Placement & Apprenticeship Programs
Converting education and training into real jobs in the broadband, wireless and technology sectors — and the industries impacted by these technologies.